Saturday, September 18, 2010

Send This To 100 People And Bill Gates Will Send You A Check For $100!

We all get them, every single day. Sometimes we love them. Some make us laugh. Sometimes we hate them. Sometimes we don't even bother to look at them. And sometimes....WE FORWARD THEM!!!

You know what I'm talking about- the dreaded EMAIL! Now, I have no problem with someone sending me a funny email. We all need a laugh every now and again, and even the old funny emails that you've seen a dozen times can still make you crack a smile.

The ones that bother me are the ones that claim to be fact, but in truth are nowhere near fact. Sometimes they are partial truth and mostly fiction. Sometimes they're just outright lies.

Now, if you want to send me something to share your personal political views, or tell me about your personal close call with danger in a deserted parking lot, that's fine. But don't send me the emails that are so clogged with fiction that any semblance of truth would be drowned by all the untruths.

If you have an email that claims "Budweiser man pulls stock from shelves of store owned by Arabs who laughed at 9/11", DON"T FORWARD IT TO ME! We were all affected by 9/11, but all this patently FALSE email does is continue to stir up hatred and division in our country. If you truly believe this email is fact, then please go to and verify it for yourself.

If you get an email that says "Obama is a Muslim" then don't forward it to me. I don't know how many times his birth certificate can be verified, but it is what it is.

If you get an email that says "Obama administration plans 1% transfer tax on electronic transactions", don't forward it to me. Just because one crazy senator makes a ridiculous, unsupported proposal, doesn't mean the Obama administration supports it- they DON'T! Again, if you don't believe me.

If you get an email that says "Send this to 100 people and Bill Gates will send you $100!", don't forward it to me. I don't have time for that stuff. If you're that gullible, go check yourself into email rehab.

Most of the ones you get that claim to be written by celebrities like Andy Rooney are false as well- sorry to burst your bubble. I like Andy Rooney- watched him all the time growing up. But, just because some random person can type an email that 'sounds' like it could be Andy Rooney on a rant, doesn't mean it IS Andy Rooney on a rant. Now Mel Gibson on a rant- that's a little more believable right now...

Do you know WHY I don't like it when people forward these things to me? It's not because I don't share their views- sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. I'm a big girl and I can make decisions for myself, and someone else's opinion isn't likely to sway me. The reason I don't like it when people forward emails like this is that they propagate fear and hatred in our society and divide our country. If someone that you trust sends you an email, you take it to be fact, don't you? Well, if you don't have a brain of your own to use, you do take it as fact. Because you TRUST that the person who sent it would only send you something that is true. You base many of your beliefs on these so-called 'facts'. You VOTE based on these so-called 'facts'. You FORWARD it based on these 'facts'. You spread fear and hatred because of these 'facts'.  "Put the younguns in the root cellar, Ma! Glenn Beck says the Nazis is comin'!"

I don't care if you are Republican, Democrat, Independant, Green Party, or Socialist Communist Muslim Neo-Nazi Kitten Hating Party. I just hope that you know WHY you vote the way you do. Do you vote Republican because you think all Democrats are Socialists? If you do, I suggest you look up the word "Socialist" on a website that doesn't belong to Glenn Beck or Wikipedia. Do you hate the idea of the bank bail out because it's an Obama policy? Then I suggest you put your remembering caps on and think back to when Bush was in office and authorized the bail out funds.  Do you hate the health care reform because the government is going to euthanize NaNa when her health care costs get too high? If so, I can't help you- you are beyond hope and should just go climb into your fortified bunker full of Twinkies and Red Bull and prepare for Armeggedon. And while you are there- DON'T FORWARD ME ANY EMAILS!