Sunday, October 31, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

It's Pensacola Fire Truck Pull Time Again!

It's Pensacola Fire Truck Pull Time Again! Don't forget to come down to Seville Quarter this Saturday, October 9th at 9:00 a.m. to support the local Pensacola Ronald McDonald House at this fun event!  Teams of 20 will compete to see who can pull the fire truck the farthest and fastest down East Government Street, and all for the great cause of supporting the Pensacola Ronald McDonald House!
The Panhandle Cake Crumbs cake decorating club will be doing up a yummy cake for the event, so please come by and have a slice!
Pensacola Ronald McDonald House Firetruck Pull

2009 Firetruck Pull Cake- Panhandle Cake Crumbs

Trish Sarfert, GRI, Certified EcoBroker, NAR Green Designee
EcoLogical Realty   850-449-0908 cell

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Send This To 100 People And Bill Gates Will Send You A Check For $100!

We all get them, every single day. Sometimes we love them. Some make us laugh. Sometimes we hate them. Sometimes we don't even bother to look at them. And sometimes....WE FORWARD THEM!!!

You know what I'm talking about- the dreaded EMAIL! Now, I have no problem with someone sending me a funny email. We all need a laugh every now and again, and even the old funny emails that you've seen a dozen times can still make you crack a smile.

The ones that bother me are the ones that claim to be fact, but in truth are nowhere near fact. Sometimes they are partial truth and mostly fiction. Sometimes they're just outright lies.

Now, if you want to send me something to share your personal political views, or tell me about your personal close call with danger in a deserted parking lot, that's fine. But don't send me the emails that are so clogged with fiction that any semblance of truth would be drowned by all the untruths.

If you have an email that claims "Budweiser man pulls stock from shelves of store owned by Arabs who laughed at 9/11", DON"T FORWARD IT TO ME! We were all affected by 9/11, but all this patently FALSE email does is continue to stir up hatred and division in our country. If you truly believe this email is fact, then please go to and verify it for yourself.

If you get an email that says "Obama is a Muslim" then don't forward it to me. I don't know how many times his birth certificate can be verified, but it is what it is.

If you get an email that says "Obama administration plans 1% transfer tax on electronic transactions", don't forward it to me. Just because one crazy senator makes a ridiculous, unsupported proposal, doesn't mean the Obama administration supports it- they DON'T! Again, if you don't believe me.

If you get an email that says "Send this to 100 people and Bill Gates will send you $100!", don't forward it to me. I don't have time for that stuff. If you're that gullible, go check yourself into email rehab.

Most of the ones you get that claim to be written by celebrities like Andy Rooney are false as well- sorry to burst your bubble. I like Andy Rooney- watched him all the time growing up. But, just because some random person can type an email that 'sounds' like it could be Andy Rooney on a rant, doesn't mean it IS Andy Rooney on a rant. Now Mel Gibson on a rant- that's a little more believable right now...

Do you know WHY I don't like it when people forward these things to me? It's not because I don't share their views- sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. I'm a big girl and I can make decisions for myself, and someone else's opinion isn't likely to sway me. The reason I don't like it when people forward emails like this is that they propagate fear and hatred in our society and divide our country. If someone that you trust sends you an email, you take it to be fact, don't you? Well, if you don't have a brain of your own to use, you do take it as fact. Because you TRUST that the person who sent it would only send you something that is true. You base many of your beliefs on these so-called 'facts'. You VOTE based on these so-called 'facts'. You FORWARD it based on these 'facts'. You spread fear and hatred because of these 'facts'.  "Put the younguns in the root cellar, Ma! Glenn Beck says the Nazis is comin'!"

I don't care if you are Republican, Democrat, Independant, Green Party, or Socialist Communist Muslim Neo-Nazi Kitten Hating Party. I just hope that you know WHY you vote the way you do. Do you vote Republican because you think all Democrats are Socialists? If you do, I suggest you look up the word "Socialist" on a website that doesn't belong to Glenn Beck or Wikipedia. Do you hate the idea of the bank bail out because it's an Obama policy? Then I suggest you put your remembering caps on and think back to when Bush was in office and authorized the bail out funds.  Do you hate the health care reform because the government is going to euthanize NaNa when her health care costs get too high? If so, I can't help you- you are beyond hope and should just go climb into your fortified bunker full of Twinkies and Red Bull and prepare for Armeggedon. And while you are there- DON'T FORWARD ME ANY EMAILS!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

For Sale: 3BR/2BA Single Family House in Pensacola, FL, $179,900

8/31/2010 from 8:00-1:00 East Hill Open House at 1509 E Cross Street.

Brand new, affordable Energy Star Home in East Hill, across from LaMancha Square Park. Large Kitchen with island, plantation shutters, 10 x 20 attic storage with pull down stairs and flooring, Master bedroom with walk-in closet and tiled master shower, large inside laundry room with tile floors, 1 car garage & low maintenance landscaping. This home has been designed for Energy & Water Conservation (equals lower utility bills), and healthier indoor air quality. Features include tankless gas water heater for unlimited hot water on demand, high efficiency HVAC heat pump, Low-E windows, spray foam attic insulation, Energy Star appliances and fixtures, Low VOC paints and sealants for better indoor air quality, low flow water fixtures, and so much more! The home will qualify for an energy efficency mortgage as well, which allows the homebuyer to qualify for a higher mortgage amount based on expected lower utility bill savings. First Time Homebuyers may also qualify for up to $35,000 down-payment assistance for the purchase of this home. Please call for a complete list of Green and energy efficiency features.

For Sale: 3BR/2BA Single Family House in Pensacola, FL, $179,900

Friday, July 16, 2010

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Rachel Maddow- The more spills change_ the more they stay the same

It amazes me that this is the first time these old news clips have come out since the current oil spill disaster. I was only 8 when the previous Gulf oil spill occured, but I'm surprised my parents (who have lived in Florida for 30+ years) and other long time residents have not mentioned it. Maybe the lessons learned long ago have been forgotten, or maybe there were no lessons learned...

Friday, May 28, 2010

Gulf Coast Oil Spill Update

Here is the current update on the Gulf Coast Oil Spill from : Current Issues

This includes information on the newly discovered underwater oil plume.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

1509 E. Cross Street, Pensacola, FL | Powered by Postlets

Take a look at this great "Green" certified home being built in East Hill, Pensacola. There is a great park just across the street for the kids to play, and the home has great energy and water conserving features that will help you save money on your monthly utility bills. Let me know what you think...

1509 E. Cross Street, Pensacola, FL Powered by Postlets

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Emerald Coastkeeper "Blue Tie" Gala May 22nd

Emerald Coastkeeper "Blue Tie" Gala May 22nd

Emerald Coastkeeper of Pensacola, a non-profit member of the Waterkeeper Alliance, is hosting it's annual gala fundraiser event on May 22, 2010. The event will be held at New World Landing in Pensacola, FL. Tickets are $30 per person, or $50 per couple. There will be hors d'oeuvres, live music, and live and silent auctions of donated items. Some auction items include a one week stay in Seaside, golf and other entertainment packages, Mississippi Delta Blues trip, art, healing and wellness packages, antiques, and much more!

For more information or to purchase tickets for the event, visit (click on "Gala") or visit them on Facebook.

If you would like to donate cash or auction items, or if you would like to volunteer, contact .

Emerald Coastkeeper's primary function is protection of our local waterways, and promotion of water quality. They have been a valuable source of knowledge and assistance in the current Gulf Coast oil spill crisis, providing a local voice in the preparation for the coming oil spill, and solictation for volunteers. Please help support this worthy group, as they will need many resources while dealing with this looming tragedy.

Trish Sarfert, GRI, Certified EcoBroker, NAR Green Designee

EcoLogical Realty 850-449-0908 cell

"Green Drinks" May 12th at Seville Quarter, Pensacola, FL

"Green Drinks" May 12th at Seville Quarter, Pensacola, FL
Please join us for another "Green Drinks" gathering on May 12th, 2010 at Seville Quarter in Pensacola, FL. We will be outside in the courtyard again if the weather is nice, or inside Lilli Marlene's if it rains. Last month's organic wine tasting was a blast, so let's see if we can top it this month! The event is open to anyone interested in "Green", whether it be Green building, organic farming, solar power, water conservation, energy efficiency...whatever your interest in all things Green, you are welcome at Green Drinks!

For more information on Green Drinks, visit or call Trish at 850-449-0908.

Hope to see you there!

Trish Sarfert, GRI, Certified EcoBroker, NAR Green Designee

EcoLogical Realty 850-449-0908 cell

Monday, May 3, 2010

1509 E Cross St East Hill Pensacola Green Home Now Listed!

1509 E Cross St East Hill Pensacola Green Home Now Listed!
Whether you are a believer in "Green" Building, or just a potential home buyer looking for an energy efficient home, this new construction Green Home at 1509 E Cross St East Hill Pensacola may be just what you are looking for! Green features include: spray foam attic insulation, tankless on-demand gas water heater, high efficiency heat pump HVAC, low VOC paints and adhesives for better indoor air quality, low flow water fixtures, and much more! Green Certifications will include Florida Green Building Coalition (FGBC), National Association of Homebuilders (NAHB), and Energy Star.

3 Bedrooms 2 Baths 1400 Sq Ft $179,900

For more property information, please click here.

Trish Sarfert, GRI, Certified EcoBroker, NAR Green Designee

EcoLogical Realty 850-449-0908 cell

Oil Spill Grief- The 5 Stages To Recovery

Here in Pensacola, Florida, we are not-so-eagerly awaiting the arrival of the oil spill on our beaches and waterways. I, myself, am going through the many stages of Grief.

-Denial has ended as it is inevitable that we will be affected by the spill.

-Anger set in when I thought about how this will affect our local economy and our wildlife.

-I tried Bargaining- "If only the oil will stop spilling, I'll buy a Prius and do more to encourage others to conserve!".

-I became Depressed as I had to explain to my children why we won't be able to go to the beach again for a very long time.

-Acceptance came when I started trying to find ways to help and do my part.

As with Hurricane Ivan and other disasters past, we are strong, we are resilient, and we will recover from time. Already, hundreds of residents have answered the calls for help, offering to volunteer in whatever way necessary. Non-profit and governmental organizations have banded together, without thought of politics, to make this a more coordinated effort, and therefore a more effective effort.

What will my part be in the recovery efforts? That remains to be seen- maybe I will be cleaning oil from local wildlife. Maybe I will help in fundraising efforts. Maybe I will help provide a voice in the fight against adding more oil rigs in the Gulf. Right now, I can at least offer this advice...

1. Do NOT be silent! Make your voice heard and let the powers that be know that this issue is important to you. If you are against drilling in the Gulf, contact your local representatives and let them know how you feel. If you are for drilling, but want stricter safety regulations, let that be known as well.

2. Find a way, in your own daily life, to lower your use of energy. Whether it means adding more home insulation, sealing duct leaks, or upgrading to more efficient appliances or vehicles, do SOMETHING to use less energy. If we, as a whole, lower of use of energy, then we will use less fossil fuels and maybe we won't need to drill for oil in sensitive areas such as our Gulf of Mexico.

3. Show your support for the Homestar/Cash for Caulking program. If this is implemented, it will help us all to implement the energy efficiency upgrades that we all need in our homes. Visit to find out how you can support this important legislation.

4. Urge your local builders to build Greener, more energy efficient homes. When you are shopping for a home, or having a new home built, ask for energy saving features. You don't have to be a "tree hugger" to understand the importance of conserving energy and lowering your monthly utility bills. Locally, homes built to Gulf Power's "Earth Cents" or Energy Star Homes standards can save the home buyer an average of 20-40% on monthly utility bills, while only costing a couple thousand dollars extra to implement these features during construction.

5. Help your local conservation groups who are working tireslessly to help coordinate oil spill cleanup and recovery efforts. Groups like Emerald CoastKeeper need both financial and volunteer support. (Visit to donate, volunteer, or buy tickets for their annual fundraiser gala on May 22nd.) These groups provide a local voice and provide local knowledge of our waterways and ecology that will help the Federal Government agencies and BP corporate representatives to perform better preventive measures and effective post-oil spill clean up support.

6.) Keep informed on the progress of the oil spill and the recovery efforts. (In Escambia, Florida, visit for the most current information.)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Milton & pace Florida Home Sales Statistics

Milton & Pace Florida Home Sales Statistics

For anyone interested in Buying or Selling Real Estate in the Milton or Pace, Florida area, the statistics shown below should assist you in your decision when choosing what area in which to purchase your next property. If you need additional information about the area, or if you would like to sign up for my "Free Foreclosure & Distressed Property" daily email report for the NW Florida Region, please contact me at or call 850-449-0908.

Trish Sarfert, GRI, Certified EcoBroker, NAR Green Designee

EcoLogical Realty 850-449-0908 cell

Please Visit My Website

Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Organic Auto-Farm

The Organic Auto-Farm
While attending Power Up 2010 in Ft Walton Beach this week, I ran across this product in the vendor area, and although I normally don't share this kind of thing, I though it was a pretty innovative idea. It's called the "Organic Auto-Farm". It is an enclosed greenhouse system with drip irrigation that requires very little upkeep, and very little time to operate (they state you only need 30 minutes every two weeks). I have to say that I was impressed with what I saw, and as a back yard organic gardener, all of the ideas implemented seemed very sound to me. I will definitely be keeping an eye on these guys, and I'll be sure to post again once I have had a chance to see their operation in use.

Trish Sarfert, GRI, Certified EcoBroker, NAR Green Designee

EcoLogical Realty 850-449-0908 cell

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Green Certified Home To Be Built In Pensacola, Florida

Please keep an eye on our new project- construction will begin soon at 1507 E Cross Street. This will be a Green Certified Home. We will be obtaining the FGBC (Florida Green Building Coalition) Green Certification, the NAHB (National Association of Home Builders) Green Certification, the Energy Star Home Certification, and we are also trying for the Florida Friendly Yards.

Watch my blog for updates, and I will let you know when construction has begun so you can drive by and check our progress. Please let me know if you have any questions about this project, or if you are interested in finding Green Homes for sale in Pensacola or surrounding areas.


Trish Sarfert, Broker/Owner, GRI

Certified EcoBroker

NAR Green Designation

EcoLogical Realty

850-449-0908 cell

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Pensacola Foreclosure & Distressed Homes For Sale

Pensacola Foreclosure & Distressed Homes For Sale

There are currently 173 Residential Foreclosures for sale in the Pensacola MLS region.  There are also 434 Lis Pendens/ Short Sale residential properties listed for sale at this time.  The foreclosures range in asking price from $8,550 to $495,000.  The short sales range in asking price from $12,900 $1,150,000 (Please keep in mind that the short sale prices must first be approved by a lender, so the asking prices are not guaranteed).

For those seeking to purchase Foreclosures, Short Sales, or other types of distressed property in the Pensacola and NW Florida region, you may sign up for the daily email notification.  Each day, you will receive an email containing any new or updated foreclosure & distressed home listings.  Many of the distressed homes for sale will be purchased quickly by other investors and home buyers, so it is important to review the listings daily and inspect the properties quickly in order to get offers to the Seller before other purchasers place contracts on the most desirable or best "bargain" homes.

For more information, or to browse available home listings, please email, visit my website, or contact me at 850-449-0908. 

My services to you as a Buyer's agent are at no cost to you, as I am paid by the Seller at closing.  I also offer competitive listing services. 

This update current as of February 27, 2010.  Sign up for my blog to keep up with future market condition updates on Pensacola Foreclosures and Distressed Homes for sale.

Number of Residential Detached Homes Currently Available
Number of Short Sales/Lis Pendens currently available
Number of Foreclosures Currently Available

Number of Residential Detached Sales in the last 6 months
Number of Short Sale/ Lis Pendens closed in the last 6 months
Number of Foreclosures closed in the last 6 months

West Pensacola

Northwest Pensacola

Southwest Pensacola

South Pensacola

Northeast Pensacola

Southeast Pensacola

North Central Pensacola




Gulf Breeze


Pensacola Beach

Perdido Key


Data current as of 2-27-2010

How Does a Home Appraisal Work?

Appraisals are a very important part of the home selling process.  After all, if you have a Buyer willing to pay the asking price, you don't want the appraisal to come back too low, because then the Buyer can't get the loan unless you lower the price, or they bring the difference to the closing table (and let's face it- how many Buyers really have that much ready cash to bring to closing???).

So, while your renovations may be a factor in selling the home more quickly due to increased curb appeal and Buyer preferences, do they really add value to the appraisal?  While many upgrades are important in attracting potential buyers, in many cases, they just do not add additional value to the home.

What goes into a Lender's Appraisal?

To find out how FHA Appraisals work, Click Here.
To find out how Fannie Mae Appraisals work, Click Here.
To find out how Freddie Mac Appraisals work, Click Here.

Best advice- seek a professional opinion from a Licensed Realtor about what renovations make the most sense (when getting your home ready for sale ) for your market area BEFORE you hire the contractor.  And be prepared to find out that even though you spent $50,000 in upgrades, your home may not appraise $50,000 higher than it previously did.  But, it may sell a lot more quickly than the house next door that has not been remodeled- most Buyer's like a home that is move-in-ready where the work has already been done.  Just be sure to keep themes neutral, as your taste and the tastes of potential buyers may be different...

Owner Financing Available Pensacola, FL, $59,900

For Sale: 3BR/1BA Single Family House in Pensacola, FL, $59,900

Please contact Trish Sarfert at 850-449-0908 for more information or to schedule a sowing appointment.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Do-it-Yourself Home Energy Audit

How To Do a Do-It-Yourself Home Energy Audit

Whether you are getting ready to sell a home or if you are concerned about the environment or just wanting to cut down on your utility bills, you can do a self-directed energy audit of your home. Grab a clipboard or legal pad and take a tour of your own house! Here's what to look for and some suggestions on how to conduct your audit.

1. Insulation - do you have it in your walls? Find out by temporarily removing and looking behind a wall light switch or outlet. If you don't see any insulation, you need to have insulation blown into your walls behind the siding.

What about attic insulation? If you have at least a foot of insulation material in your attic, there should not be a problem. If there is any less than that, then you need to add more or replace it.

2. Check outside switch plates. Leakage can occur at these sites, and can be resolved by putting foam gaskets behind the switch cover.

3. Windows can be a source of drafts and air leakage. Raise and lower (or slide side to side) the window; if it's loose, add weather stripping to tighten the movement. Check the glass panes - if you have single-pane glass, you can cover them with plastic sheeting. Look closely at the window molding and the wall - if there are cracks, use caulk to fill them in.

4. Doors, like windows, need to be closely checked. Check the seal - if it is loose or if you see light around the edges of the door when it is closed, apply weather stripping. Use caulk to fill in cracks between the door frame and the wall.

5. Check your fireplace. See that the flue is closed when the fireplace is not in use, and that it has a tight seal. If you choose not to use your fireplace, consider using board insulation to seal it.

6. Now look at the thermostat. Are you turning it down at night when you are sleeping and when you are not at home? Try to turn it down 10 degrees lower than during the day. If you are taking care of the other energy wastes in your home, you may be able to get by with turning your thermostat up in the morning (in winter) for about a half an hour, then turning it down for the rest of the day as your house retains the heat. (The inverse would be true for air conditioning.)

7. Head for the basement and check your water heater. Does it have insulation built into its walls? If not, consider wrapping it with an insulating jacket made for the purpose. Turn down the temperature of your hot water heater to 120 degrees (this will also help protect small children from getting burned from hot tap water).

8. The ducts of your heating and cooling system may need sealing, especially around the joints. If you see any gaps or cracks, seal with aptly-named duct tape.

Freshen Your Breathe Naturally

How To Freshen Up Your Breath With Herbs

For most of us, bad breath is a temporary - although inconvenient - problem. Provided that your bad breath is not caused by digestive disorders, periodontal disease, or other medical problems, using herbs and natural means to freshen your breath are effective and safe. Here are some ideas for herbal breath fresheners.

1. Cardamom
This is an herb - or, more correctly, a spice - that contains cineole, which acts as an antiseptic. Chew a few seeds to make your breath smell spicy and clean your mouth.

2. Eucalyptus
A derivative of this familiar plant, eucalyptol, is actually used in commercial mouthwashes. It also contains cineole. Crush 1-2 ounce of the leaves and add them to a cup of vodka; steep for several days and strain out the leaves, or just leave the leaves in. Use as a mouthwash as needed to fight bad breath. If you can't find eucalyptus leaves, the same method works using other herbs, such as any combination of spearmint, rosemary, ginger, lavender, peppermint, basil, cinnamon, nutmeg, or fennel.

3. Parsley
There is a reason why parsley is served as a garnish on restaurant dinner plates. Chewed after a meal, parsley freshens breath. It contains a great deal of chlorophyll, which accounts for its breath-freshening capabilities.

4. Anise
If you like licorice, give anise a try. It is an ancient remedy for bad breath. You could also chew on the seeds, or make a decoction by simmering 3 teaspoons of anise seeds in a cup of water for 3-5 minutes. Cool, strain, and use as a mouthwash.

5. Dill
Another chlorophyll-rich herb, drinking dill tea or chewing on a few dill seeds after a meal freshens breath.

6. Fresh mint
Growing mints in pots is quite easy, and nipping off a few leaves and chewing them helps to make your breath fresh.

7. Cloves
Chewing a few cloves will give your breath a spicy scent. Clove is also antibacterial, and clove oil is a traditional remedy for toothache.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

For Sale: 3BR/1BA Single Family House in Pensacola, FL, $59,900

For Sale: 3BR/1BA Single Family House in Pensacola, FL, $59,900

Estate Sale-Owner needs to sell QUICKLY! Use your $8000 First Time Homebuyer Tax Credit or the $6500 "Long Time Resident" Tax Credit to purchase this fabulous property! Create your own equity with this spacious 2-story charmer with two large porch areas! The owner had begun renovations of this great home, including building custom cedar shelves and siding in the upstairs bedrooms. All materials for the project that are still in the home will convey at closing, for the do-it-your-selfer who wants to finish the project. The downstairs Living Room and Family Room are both very large, with lots of windows for natural lighting. The Kitchen is quite spacious with plenty of room to add an island, if desired. There are two porches- one covered porch at the front entry that could easily be screened and is perfect for a set of rocking chairs! One more larger screened porch is located on the rear of the home, facing to the large .59 acre yard. Yes, this home will need some work, but the end product will be worth the effort! See a tax professional or visit,,id=215791,00.html to see if you may qualify for the tax credits.  For additional property information, go to: or call Trish at 850-449-0908.

For Sale: BR/BA Office in Pensacola, FL, $139,000

For Sale: BR/BA Office in Pensacola, FL, $139,000

Close to Downtown. 2 city lots with 2 driveways and parking in rear. Currently used as Commericial, but could easily be residential. Completely renovated in 2004, new Heat/Air, new windows, security system, updated electrical, updated plumbing, new cabinets, new bath, hardwood and tile flooring, new garage door.

Searching For Green Appraisers

Calling all Pensacola area appraisers!!! We need appraisers that have knowledge in appraising Green certified homes in Pensacola and surrounding areas.  We have builders that are building Green or that want to build Green, we have buyers that want to buy Green homes, and we have lenders that want to offer Energy Efficiency Mortgages and HOP Down-payment assistance for Green homes (if it gets re-funded).  What we don't have are appraisers that have taken Green appraisal classes or that are certified for Sustainable Green Home appraisals.  I searched the Appraisal Institute website out to a 300 mile radius and could not find one appraiser who was a match for Sustainable Green homes.  I called about a dozen local appraisers, some of whom had some knowledge, but none of whom had taken any special classes on the subject.

So, my appeal to you, Mr. or Mrs/Ms. Appraiser- if you are educated or certified for these types of properties, please show up at the next Homebuilder's Association Green Council meeting so that our builders can pick your brain and ask you questions.  We meet the last Wednesday of every month at noon at the HBA, 4400 Bayou Blvd St 45.  Even better, if you'd like to be a guest speaker, we'll give you free lunch.  Our builders want to build affordable Green homes in Pensacola and other areas, and we want to make sure that the builders do not have appraisal issues come closing time.  Please come share your knowledge with us so that we can bring affordable Green home building practices for Pensacola home buyers.